SAC收到U.S. 总统义工服务奖


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每学期, education students at 圣安东尼奥学院 get first-hand experience teaching in local public-school classrooms. 现在,这些努力已经得到了全国的认可.

SAC is one of 69 organizations nationwide to receive the U.S. 总统义工服务奖, which honors organizations that contribute a significant amount of time to volunteer service.

另外两所澳门新葡京博彩, 西北维斯塔和东北湖景, 也榜上有名, 还有一些标志性的公司,  包括亚马逊, 家得宝, 丰田, USAA保险公司, 和沃尔玛.

The award came through the education program’s collaboration with Junior Achievement. SAC earned a bronze-level award for providing more than 1,500 hours of volunteer service in the community during the 2022-23 school year through the nonprofit’s JA in a Day program.

报刊服务奖2.jpgJA provides SAC students with lesson plans and materials to teach two separate days in two separate grade levels and places students in classrooms, 通常是在经济条件差的学校.

The program helps both the community and SAC education students, said Dr. 金正日Hochmeister, program coordinator for teacher education and professor of English, 人文与教育.

Students within local schools benefit from grade-appropriate lessons on economic concepts, 钱, 工作, 创业, 金融知识. 

SAC students get valuable classroom experience that helps them meet a state requirement for 32 hours of in-classroom instruction time to earn their associate degree in teaching degree.

“他们体验两所学校的文化, 他们体验不同年级的学生, and they really get a sense of developmentally appropriate materials,霍赫迈斯特说.

All 阿拉莫大学 students enrolled in EDUC 1301 and EDUC 2301 participate in JA in a Day as part of a field service practicum requirement. By the time they finish the education courses required to earn their associate of arts in teaching degree, they will have completed 32 hours of 工作ing in an actual classroom through the program.

按卷服务奖1 web.jpgClassroom time helped SAC student Cassie Rosa realize that she’s committed to teaching as her future profession.

“这证实了这就是我生来要做的事情. 我的心在教书,”罗莎说. “I was able to see a whole new perspective on being inside of a classroom rather than just reading about it.”

SAC student Brando Serrato also gained a new understanding of teaching strategies and techniques as he led students through activities such as managing a pretend business and making virtual investments.

“Teaching the JA program changed how I see education,” said Serrato. “It made me understand the value of teaching financial education, the effectiveness of interactive learning and the ways every student learns differently.”

The award is the result of a team effort, Hochmeister said.

“我们的AAT学生,教育教师,博士. Goldsberry, 劳尔教授和我, 还有JA警官Felicia Breaux, 合作引进未来教师, 我们的SAC学生, 圣安东尼奥公立学校社区,”她说。. “All the while, we received continued support from Dean Jonathan Lee and Chair Erik Hillskemper.”

SAC students are among the many volunteers nationwide who deliver Junior Achievement programs to students in kindergarten through high school. JA programs bring 工作 readiness, 创业, 金融知识 education to more than 4.美国每年有400万学生, with the goal of giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to achieve economic success, 为他们的未来做计划, 做出明智的学术和经济选择.


SAC student Kimberly Rosas Ruiz teaches a class at Kriewald Road Elementary.
左下: SAC学生在鲍勃霍普小学摆姿势拍照. 〇从左到右 丹妮拉邓普西, 佩吉莱利, 艾琳的孩子, 约书亚·麦卡斯基尔, 对此马尔克斯, Mickayla索托, 莎拉Bukuru, 劳伦·斯奈德, 还有艾琳·雷尼.